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  1. Positive semidefinite zero forcing

    J. Ekstrand, C. Erickson, H.T. Hall, D. Hay, L. Hogben, R. Johnson, N. Kingsley, S. Osborne, T. Peters, J. Roat, A. Ross, D.D. Row, N. Warnberg, and M. Young. “Positive semidefinite zero forcing.” Linear Algebra Appl. 439 (2013), 1862–1874.

  2. Rainbow arithmetic progressions

    S. Butler, C. Erickson, L. Hogben, K. Hogenson, L. Kramer, R.L. Kramer, J.C.-H. Lin, R.R. Martin, D. Stolee, N. Warnberg, M. Young. "Rainbow arithmetic progressions." J. Comb. 7 (2016), No. 4, 595—626.

  3. Properties of a q-analogue for zero forcing

    S. Butler, C. Erickson, S. Fallat, H.T. Hall, B. Kroschel, J.C.H. Lin, B. Shader, N. Warnberg, B. Yang. “Properties of a q-analogue for zero forcing.” Graphs Combin. 36 (2020), No. 5, 1401—1419.