Positive semidefinite zero forcing

Published in Linear Algebra Appl., 2013

We establish a variety of properties of positive semidefinite zero forcing: Any vertex of G can be in a minimum positive semidefinite zero forcing set (this is not true for standard zero forcing). Graphs having extreme values of the positive semidefinite zero forcing number are characterized. The effect of various graph operations on positive semidefinite zero forcing number and connections with other graph parameters are studied.

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Recommended citation: J. Ekstrand, C. Erickson, H.T. Hall, D. Hay, L. Hogben, R. Johnson, N. Kingsley, S. Osborne, T. Peters, J. Roat, A. Ross, D.D. Row, N. Warnberg, and M. Young. “Positive semidefinite zero forcing.” Linear Algebra Appl. 439 (2013), 1862–1874.